Request for Enhanced Primary Mental Health Released

Are you a mental health service provider who wants to deliver an Enhanced Primary Mental Health service in Byford?

The Byford Health Hub is seeking to establish a tenancy agreement (Licence) with a suitably qualified non-WA Health Service provider for the provision of an Enhanced Primary Mental Health Service (EPMH) to operate at the future Byford Health Hub (BHH or ‘the Hub’), anticipated opening late-2026.

The EPMH is aiming to provide needed support in Byford for those who may be experiencing mental distress.

What the EPMH service provider will bring to the Hub:

  • A service that is fit to meet the growing need of primary mental health in the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale, where Byford is located.
  • Services that support early identification and intervention for signs and symptoms of mental health distress.  
  • The intention to provide services that are financially accessible to the consumer with the goal being low cost or no cost.

The Hub aims to provide an innovative approach to service delivery, where services are connected in the way they run to support a coordinated experience for the consumer, across all levels of care. The Hub will deliver a place-based model of health and social care tailored to the needs of the Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale. The Hub will provide the opportunity for service providers to utilise full-time or sessional space, alongside East Metropolitan Health Services (EMHS) services, that are positioned to meet the needs of local community now, and as it evolves into the future. Services are expected to include urgent care, mental health, child and adolescent health, aged and disability supports, allied health, as well as a range of other community health and social services.                       

To respond to the Request – Licence for an Enhanced Primary Mental Health Service to Operate from the Byford Health Hub, please visit Tenders WA / Display Tender EMHSBHHR042024

For more details, please contact the Byford Health Hub team via email –

Health hubs are about having multiple health services located in one place.

A health hub is a place where multiple different health, social, and community services are located, usually in the same building. For example, a health hub might include a doctor’s surgery, psychologist, radiology clinic, and physiotherapy under one roof.

Hubs are different from hospitals, which are usually larger, and focus almost exclusively on health problems (especially when they are very serious). However, hubs may often partner with hospitals and even deliver some of the hospital’s services in a more local context.

Hubs are a way of implementing a modern approach to health care called "place-based systems of care" which creates convenient places in the community where people can go to receive all kinds of care, in a convenient and connected way.

In designing the Byford Health Hub, we will need to determine the right mix of social and health services based on the needs of the community – and consider how they will work based on a range of factors, including the money available to run them, the organisations that might deliver them and the model of integrated care.

The Shire of Serpentine Jarrahdale developed early concepts and a Business Case for the Byford Health Hub. 

In February 2021 the State Government made an election commitment to support the delivery of a Byford Health Hub, including $30.6 million to fund the project. 

The East Metropolitan Health Service is responsible for coordinating its planning and delivery. EMHS has embraced the opportunity to partner with the Shire to build a healthy community that fosters healthy people.

The Byford Health Hub is in line with recommendations of the Sustainable Health Review (SHR), which sets directions to drive a cultural shift away from acute hospital-based care to prevention and seamless access to services at home and in the community.

The Byford Health Hub is planned to be included on the Shire Civic Reserve, which is part of the Byford Town Centre activation projects, and will provide services for the Serpentine Jarrahdale community.

The health hub is intended to be built in the centre of Byford as part of the Byford Town Centre.

Further details about the location and plans will be provided as soon as available.



September 2023

  • Request for Information released for Service Providers to register their interest in being involved in the hub, open for 6 weeks September – November 2023.


December 2022

  • Council in considering options for the site which include a crown subdivision or a lease indicated its preference for a lease arrangement. This preference was communicated to East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS).
  • A draft Heads of Agreement was prepared by the Shire to work collaboratively with EMHS towards a mutually beneficial outcome for the disposal and management of the facility. Council previously resolved (15 August 2022) to support the draft Heads of Agreement and for the Shire to continue negotiations with EMHS to then present a report back to Council once formal feedback had been received.
  • The Shire received correspondence (18 November 2022) from EMHS advising the Shire its preferred position for a crown subdivision of Reserve 53923.
    A further report is to be presented to Council to consider the preferred crown subdivision rather than a lease of the land to construct the Byford Health Hub. 

August 2022

  • Draft Heads of Agreement has been prepared based on negotiations to date with EMHS. Council Endorsed these terms which will now be formally considered by EMHS. A further report will be presented to Council to detail the Business Plan and Intended disposition of the property.

May 2022

  • Council adopted the Master Plan for the Civic Purpose site in Byford Town Centre, which will inform future decision making relating to business planning and land disposition for the Byford Health Hub site.

February 2022

  • Council Note Management Order Secured for the Community Purpose Site. This completes an important step in securing the future civic needs of the Shire to accommodate the future Byford Health Hub.

December 2021

  • Community and Consumer (CaC) Advisory Group and Service Provider and Clinician (SPaC) Advisory Group established to provide advice and support to the program. 

August 2021

  • Interagency Steering Committee established to provide oversight and approval as part of the Program Governance.

June 2021

  • East Metropolitan Health Service Byford Health Hub Program Management Office (PMO) established to support and coordinate the program.

February 2021

  • Serpentine Jarrahdale Council endorsed Byford Health Hub Business Case. 
  • State Government committed $30.6 million for the Byford Health Hub.

QWhat is the anticipated commercial value for the space on offer at BHH for the Enhanced Primary Mental Health Service?

A – It is unknown given that the building is not yet material, valuations will be undertaken closer to the opening of the building.

Q How will the EPMH service be selected?

A – An evaluation that is based on the Compliance and Disclosure Requirements and the Qualitative selection criteria within the Tender documents.

Q Why are we completing this Open Request so early compared to Hub opening?

A Through the community consultation, it was identified that the primary mental health service would be a core tenant of the Hub. This process has commenced early to ensure that the Hub has a primary mental health provider which can meet community need and develop care pathways to ensure success.

Q – Will there be future opportunities to integrate with the Hub via outreach and flexi-room rentals?

A – Yes there will be another opportunity to Tender for smaller and flexible rooms in the future, for updates simply sign up to the contact list on our website (East Metropolitan Health Service - Byford Health Hub).

Q – Is the Open Request binding, what if circumstances change?

A – This process is a preferred provider request and therefore non-binding, until such time that the formal contract is complete. This process is undertaken in good faith and to be executed to achieve benefit to both the selected service provider and the Byford Health Hub.

Q – Who will be running the daily operations of the Hub?

A – Oversight of the Hub management will be undertaken by Armadale Kalamunda Group (AKG), operated through East Metropolitan Health Service.

Q – What will be provided through the Hub?

A – The Hub will provide facility management, administration, cleaning, secure front entry, secure after-hours carpark, rooms with capacity for virtual enablement, a care navigation service, opportunity to be involved in Byford Health Hub (BHH) advisory group, as well as pathways to streamline services to Armadale Kalamunda Group and other East Metropolitan Health Services.

Q – Will there be funding for the service delivery?

A – The Hub will not have the capacity to provide funding for services, however EMHS supports advocacy and future opportunities to work in partnership with service providers to seek funding to support your proposed service delivery.


Last Updated: 28/05/2024