Consumer Advisory Committees
Each of our hospitals has a Consumer Advisory Committee (CAC) which provides an opportunity for consumers to participate in the development and delivery of hospital services.
Members of the CACs work in partnership with staff to ensure the community voice is heard, acknowledged and valued by our health service.
CAC members contribute to:
- the facilitation of communication and consultation with the community where appropriate
- advising the hospital on processes for community consultation and participation
- providing a community perspective on activities, initiatives and projects that impact on consumers
- facilitating improvements in partnership with staff and management
- maintaining an awareness and understanding of the requirements of relevant standards, e.g. National Safety and Quality Health Service (NSQHS) Standards, National Standards for Mental Health Services (NSMHS) and EQuIPNational Standards
- activities undertaken to achieve compliance with the above standards.
Advertisements for new members are placed in the local media (including community newspapers and The West Australian newspaper) and on individual hospital websites when vacancies arise.
Aboriginal Health Community Advisory Groups
East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS) is dedicated to engaging with the Aboriginal community residing in the eastern metropolitan corridor. There are four Aboriginal Health Community Advisory Groups (AHCAG) developed to foster a genuine partnership between Aboriginal people and the EMHS sites to achieve better health outcomes for Aboriginal people. The role of members is to feedback information from the AHCAG meetings to the wider Aboriginal community within their district and inform EMHS on key issues affecting their community.
The four AHCAGs are:
- Armadale Kalamunda AHCAG
- Bentley AHCAG
- Royal Perth Hospital and Inner City AHCAG
- Swan, Hills and Midland AHCAG
The Chairperson and Vice Chairperson elected from each AHCAG also make up another group called the Aboriginal Health Advisory Council (AHAC). The AHAC’s primary role is to provide input, direction and support in the development and implementation of the EMHS strategies with supporting documents such as the guiding principles, the Aboriginal Health and Wellbeing Framework and the EMHS Implementation Plan with identified strategic directions and key priority areas.
For more information about the AHCAGs, please call (08) 9224 3811 or email