Next Step Drug and Alcohol Services
Next Step Drug and Alcohol Services provide a range of treatment services for people aged 18 or over experiencing problems associated with their alcohol and other drug use, as well as support for families.
These include:
- Outpatient services at East Perth
- Via integrated Community Alcohol and Drug Services (external site) at six metropolitan locations.
- The Inpatient Withdrawal Unit at East Perth.
- Community Pharmacotherapy Program.
Younger people can access support through the Drug and Alcohol Youth Service (external site).
There are a number of ways you can provide us with valuable feedback (PDF 410KB).
Talk to someone now
- Talk to the staff caring for you or ask to speak to the person in charge
- Contact the Patient Experience Department 9224 1637 or Monday to Friday 8am - 4pm.
Share your story
- Complete a survey if you are asked to do one.
- Share your story on the Care Opinion website (external site)
- Ask staff to give you a feedback form to complete on paper; or online via the contact us form. Please select compliment or complaint under enquiry category.
- Leave a note in one of our suggestion boxes.
Help us help you
- Ask staff if you need help with language, interpreting or accessibility.
- Become a Consumer Representative or Volunteer by emailing or visit the Volunteering page for more information.
Outpatient Services
Next Step East Perth Outpatient Services are based at 32 Moore Street. The nearest train station is McIver.
Phone: (08) 9219 1919
They provide free and confidential alcohol and other drug treatment services to people aged 18 years and over
Services provided include:
- Assessment and referral
- Case management, counselling and recovery planning
- Opiate and alcohol pharmacotherapy
- Outpatient withdrawal services
- Medical reviews
- Clinical psychology services
- Shared care with other services
- Diversion programs for people referred by the courts
How to access this service:
People can refer themselves or can be referred by other services including mental health, corrective services, child protection and general practitioners.
For more information:
- See the Next Step outpatient services brochure below
- Contact one of Next Step's metropolitan Community Alcohol and Drug Services (external site) at another location.
Inpatient Withdrawal Unit
The Unit provides supervised, medical treatment for clients 18 years and older seeking withdrawal from alcohol and other drugs. The 17-bed unit is staffed 24 hours a day, seven days a week by nurses and Aboriginal health workers. Doctors are on site during normal business hours and are available on call after hours including weekends and public holidays.
The Unit receives elective or booked admissions, with pregnant women, Aboriginal clients and people from rural and remote areas, considered as high priorities.
Staff offer a culturally secure environment for Aboriginal clients by providing:
- Support during admission planning on request.
- One-to-one support, yarning, and advocacy.
- Liaison with case workers, family, and other services as required.
Clients already receiving hospital treatment for acute alcohol withdrawal are given priority. Where possible, they are offered admission on the day of referral.
Generally, withdrawal involves a seven-day admission. No visitors are permitted.
Clients are encouraged to attend a daily therapeutic and education focused group program. Group therapy is an important component of treatment and everyone is expected to participate.
All services are confidential and free.
How to access this service?
Contact one of the following for a referral:
- The Next Step outpatient services at East Perth
- Community Alcohol and Drug Service
- Other drug and alcohol treatment services
- Community Program for Opioid Pharmacotherapy prescribers
- Rural health services
- Department of Corrective Services
- Department of Child Protection and Family Support
- Mental health services
- Hospital emergency departments
- Aboriginal health services
- other healthcare providers.
Once your referral is received, you will be contacted by the Inpatient Withdrawal Unit Clinical Nurse Specialist to discuss your admission. A date is set for your admission within two weeks, depending on bed availability.
If you are assessed as not appropriate for admission, your referrer will be advised so alternative treatment options can be explored with you.
For more information, read the following:
- Next Step Inpatient Withdrawal Unit Brochure
- Next Step Inpatient Withdrawal Unit Client Admission Information Brochure
- A Walk Through Next Step Drug and Alcohol Services East Perth (
- Q & A with Next Step Consumers (