Research Ethics and Governance Submissions
All human research within WA Health must firstly obtain ethical and scientific approval from a Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC), followed by site governance approval, before commencing at East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS) sites.
- Ethical and scientific review, approval and monitoring are conducted by either the WA Health Central HREC or an NHMRC-certified HREC (under the National Mutual Acceptance (NMA) scheme for multi-jurisdictional projects), to ensure compliance with the NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023.
- A site specific assessment (SSA) is conducted by the Research Governance Office (RGO) for the site, ensuring professional, legal and financial accountability and transparency, in accordance with the NHMRC’s Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018. (external site) (the Code).
East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS) employs a centralised area-wide approach to research governance, overseen by the EMHS Research Hub. The aim of this centralised area review is to enhance the efficiency and quality of governance reviews, particularly for multi-site projects and clinical trials, and to support local clinical researchers in understanding and meeting their regulatory obligations.
The Research Hub conducts governance reviews of proposed research projects and monitoring of approved research for all EMHS sites including:
- Armadale Kalamunda Group, consisting of Armadale Hospital and Kalamunda Hospital
- Royal Perth Bentley Group, consisting of Royal Perth Hospital and Bentley Hospital
- East Metropolitan Health Service
- Community, population and mental health programs.
Making a submission
Ethics and governance submissions are made online via WA Health’s Research Governance Service (RGS) system. Comprehensive user guides are available in RGS, and the site can be accessed 24/7 from anywhere in Australia at: RGS | Home
Audits, quality assurance projects and case studies
EMHS has specific processes in place for the review and approval of non-research projects, including:
- Audits
- Quality assurance projects
- Service improvement and evaluation initiatives
These processes are overseen by institutional safety and quality teams. Staff planning to conduct such projects should contact these teams directly.
Armadale Kalamunda Group |
(08) 9391 2526 |
Royal Perth Bentley Group |
(08) 08 9224 2238 |
While the Research Hub is not responsible for the review of these projects, our team can assist staff to correctly classify a project and ensure the required approvals are obtained.
- If you are unsure of the classification of your project, it is critical that you speak either to your safety and quality unit or the Research Hub prior to commencing the project. See our brief guide to help classify your project as quality assurance or research.
- The publication of a case report or series is considered anecdotal and can proceed without research ethics and governance approval. See the attached brief guide to the publication of case studies or series.
Research Governance Review Fees
Fees apply to governance review of commercially sponsored research projects.
Applications for non-commercially sponsored research or grant funded research do not attract a review fee.
Research Ethics and Governance Guidelines