
Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) Research Foundation Biostatistical Consulting Service

The RPH Research Foundation Biostatistical Consulting Service is a key resource utilised by researchers at EMHS and the Foundation. It offers expert research program support to help researchers ensure a high quality research methodology, analysis and output.

Please visit the Foundation’s Biostatistical Consulting Service website for more information.

Essential Reading

The documents below are essential for any medical researcher working in Australia, WA and within the WA public health sector.

Understand your broad responsibilities as a researcher in Australia:

Know how to design ethically acceptable research:

Understand the fundamentals of conducting clinical trials:

Read about how research is governed within WA Health:

Writing a research protocol

All research conducted in WA Health must have a protocol. The protocol is a document that describes how the research project will be conducted, describing the background, aims and hypotheses, design/methodology and statistical/analysis plan. A well-developed protocol ensures the safety of the participants and integrity of the data collected and increases the likelihood that the project will be seen to a successful conclusion, generating publishable and/or translatable findings.

The World Health Organisation website (external link) has a nice summary of what is typically included in a good research protocol.

There are many protocol templates available and the exact format/template used is less important than the quality of the content. Any well thought out format and style is acceptable, but WA Health has prepared several templates to assist those who do not already have a preferred template:

If you use these (or another template), it is essential that you fully adapt/customise the template for your project. Only include sections relevant to your project and delete the instructions/notes prior to submission.

Intellectual Property (IP)

If you think a proposed research project might generate IP, the WA Health Research Development Unit (RDU) facilitates the responsible management of IP and is the central contact for IP advice and assistance. The EMHS RGO can also assist and help you liaise with the RDU if necessary.

Further information can be found on the Intellectual Property website.

Library and Information Service

The EMHS Library has extensive resources and services to assist researchers.

When off-site, login to resources using your usual network credentials.

More information:

Don’t forget to sign-up to get an ORCID (external link) (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) – be found, build your profile as a researcher.

Last Updated: 19/02/2025