Geriatric Medicine

The RPH Department of Geriatric Medicine has strong links with the WA Centre for Health and Ageing (WACHA - external link), a leading education and clinical studies centre established at RPH with the goal of improving the health of people in midlife and beyond. Our researchers are internationally recognised as leaders in their field. They work to extend healthy lives, prevent the onset of disabling illnesses, find better ways to treat diseases common among older people and improve the delivery of health services.


Research interests and focus 

We have a strong record of success into the research of dementia, depression, Indigenous health, person centred aged care, stroke and frailty. Our research has resulted in better care and improved treatments for older people. 


Example Projects

Improving dementia statistics in Australia

CPI Prof Leon Flicker (EMHS)

Elderly Trauma Outcome Predictor (ETOP) Study

CPI Dr Mayura Iddagoda (EMHS)


Last Updated: 08/10/2024