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EMHS Byford Health Hub Community and Consumer Advisory Group – Seeking Expressions of Interest 17 November 2021 The Byford Health Hub is seeking Expressions of Interest for members of the Community and Consumer Advisory Group.
EMHS Byford Health Hub Service Providers and Clinicians Advisory Group Seeking Expressions of Interest 17 November 2021 The Byford Health Hub is seeking Expressions of Interest for members for the Service Providers and Clinicians Advisory Group.
MHERL Review Project Control Group Member 13 September 2021 representative to sit on the Mental Health Emergency response Line (MHERL) Review Project Control Group (PCG) to support the MHERL review project.. PCG members, will follow the MHERL Review Project through its project phases and be expected to: attend monthly meetings of the MHERL Review Project Control Group advise on – and influence the design of – a recovery-orientated MHERL and Rurallink Service provide a consumer/carer perspective and represent the views of other consumers and carers support MHERL to raise awareness of the service among the mental health community advise on ways MHERL could better meet the needs of the different people who access the service review project and service documents ensure consumer and carer needs are considered and reflected within project decisions. We understand that some rural and other applicants may be ...
Call for EMHS Aboriginal Health Community Advisory Groups (CAG) members 23 July 2021 East Metropolitan Health Service (EMHS) is seeking Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people who are proactive in the community to join the EMHS Aboriginal Health Community Advisory Groups (CAG). If you are interested in making a difference, then East Metropolitan Health Service invites you to join their Aboriginal Health Community Advisory Groups for Royal Perth, Bentley, St John of God Midland Public, Armadale and Kalamunda hospitals. The members of CAG’s have been actively involved in making many changes within EMHS hospitals, programs and policies. This includes providing cultural input on current projects across EMHS. The groups focus on improving the overall health and wellbeing of Aboriginal people, their families including children and young people and ensuring EMHS continues to improve the cultural appropriateness and inclusivity of its services. For more information yo...
RPH Anaesthetist leads milestone trial 28 May 2021 A large scale trial by Monash University has definitively found a drug commonly used during anaesthesia before surgery to prevent nausea and vomiting does not increase the risk of a surgical wound infection as once feared. Professor Tomás Corcoran, Director of Research in the Department of Anaesthesia and Pain Medicine, at Royal Perth Hospital and Adjunct Clinical Professor in the Central Clinical School at Monash University, was the lead researcher in the Perioperative Administration of Dexamethasone and Infection Trial (PADDI) (external link). Tomas said that the study had the potential to influence anaesthesia practice around the world. “The steroid drug, dexamethasone, is often given by anaesthetists during surgery,” he said. “However, because of its effects on the immune system there has been growing concern that it may increase the risk of wound infections,...
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