Research Ethics Information and Tips
Human Research Ethics Committees (HRECs) review research proposals involving human participants to ensure that they are ethically acceptable and in accordance with the NHMRC National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research 2023. HRECs also monitor the conduct of research projects until completion to ensure they conform to ethical requirements.
The WA Health Central Human Research Ethics Committee (HREC) provides ethical review and oversight of research conducted within WA Health involving humans, their biospecimens and/or their information, and the use and linkage of data. The WA Health Central HREC is bound by state and national policies and legislation and operates with administrative support from the Central Office for Research Ethics (CORE), based at the WA Department of Health on Royal Street.
The CORE can be contacted at or (08) 9222 4214.
Information about submitting an application is available at the Central HREC’s website.
Project Support from the EMHS Research Hub
It is expected that submissions to the WA Central HREC will be complete and of high quality. The CORE team can guide researchers through the process of submitting the application in RGS and HREC review process.
The EMHS Research Hub can assist EMHS researchers - and external researchers working with EMHS - with extensive pre-submission support during development of new research projects, including:
- General advice about navigating research ethics and site governance approval processes.
- Project classification – (e.g., is my project research or QI/audit?)
- Early project development advice on key ethical issues, such as consent pathways and data management requirements.
- Tips for preparing an ethics submission.
- Review of draft documents (e.g., Protocol; Participant Information Sheet/Consent Form).
- Advice on monitoring requirements for active research projects
If you would like support from the EMHS Research Hub, please email