Recognising R U Ok Day across EMHS
In recognition of R U OK Day, there were a number of events and activities around the EMHS sites this week to encourage staff, patients and visitors to ask each other and ourselves, R U OK?
The activities at Bentley Health Service included a staff information stall in front of the hospital, which shared resources about mental health from the hospital and organisations like Lifeline and Converge. BHS also hosted a yoga session and a mindfulness and relaxation session to raise awareness of positive wellbeing activities.
At Royal Perth Hospital, the EMHS Community and Population Health and Aboriginal Community Health teams hosted an information stall to speak with staff, patients and visitors about the importance of mental Health.
The teams were also at the Nidjalla Waangan Mia Health Centre in Mandurah, providing mental health resources and a lunch of fresh fruit and pumpkin soup.
At Kalamunda Hospital a morning tea provided the perfect opportunity for colleagues to connect with one another and ask if their team R OK.
Whilst at both Armadale and Kalamunda Hospitals, conversations and checking-in with teammates was triggered by the presence of small blue painted trees, inspired by the Blue Tree Project.