Hospital Inpatient Services
East Metropolitan Health Service hospitals offer a range of inpatient mental health services.
Armadale Health Service
The Armadale Mental Health Service provides inpatient services for adults with a mental illness requiring care. The inpatient services include 33 adult inpatient beds (Moodjar and Karri wards) and a high dependency unit (Yorgum).
Visit the Armadale Mental Health Service website (external website) for more information.
Bentley Health Service
The East Metropolitan Youth Unit (EMyU) at Bentley Health Service (BHS) is a 12 bed inpatient service which provides mental health inpatient care for young people aged 16 to 24 presenting with complex and acute mental health issues. The service has a focus on early episode interventions. For more information visit the EMyU page.
BHS also has a range of inpatient adult and older adult mental health services. For more information visit the BHS website (external website).
Royal Perth Hospital
Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) Ward 2K is a 20 bed general adult open unit that provides care for voluntary acute patients between the ages of 18 to 65 that require specialist mental health care.
Referrals to RPH inpatient mental health services are received from the RPH Emergency Department, the Consultation Liaison team (a specialist team that review mental health patients in the general hospital), other Hospitals and community teams.
The RPH website has more information about their mental health services (external website).
Royal Perth Hospital, Addiction, Psychiatry, Intervention and Discharge (RAPID)
The RAPID Service is a 24 hour, 7 day a week service that provides psychiatric assessment within the RPH Emergency Department, as well as alcohol and other drug assessment.
The service is staffed with specialist psychiatric medical staff, Psychiatric Liaison Nurses and Alcohol and Drug Clinicians.
St John of God Midland Public Hospital
St John of God Midland Public Hospital’s 56-bed Mental Health Unit provides a multidisciplinary service to people who need mental health care.
It is a purpose-built unit providing a safe and supportive environment which includes natural light in all bedrooms, four courtyards, a gymnasium and art therapy rooms.
Visit the mental health and therapy page (external website) for more information about St John of God Midland Public Hospital’s services.