Rehabilitation Engineering Clinic

About us

Rehabilitation Engineering Clinic (REC) established in 1974 is a multidisciplinary team of Rehabilitation Engineers, Occupational Therapists, Nurse, Technicians and Administrative staff based across two sites (Royal Perth and Fiona Stanley hospitals) with an outpatient clinic located within State Rehab Service at Fiona Stanley Hospital.

REC is also a specialist Community Aids and Equipment Program (CAEP) provider for complex devices.



Our purpose is to Improve the lives of the people across the continuum of acute care to rehabilitation, utilising assistive technology 


  • Provide unique, innovative, and complex assistive technology (AT) to facilitate

    independence, rehabilitation, and discharge

  • Provide expert advice, education and training in prescription, manufacture, and provision of AT.



REC offers a range of services listed below:

  • Loan wheelchair provision to inpatients of Royal Perth, Bentley, SJOG Midland (Public), Fiona Stanely and Fremantle Hospital
     This service provides complex loan wheelchairs and seating systems to facilitate discharge and rehabilitation across the above mentioned hospitals

  • Wheelchair assessment and provision
    scope: Specification and provision of wheelchairs to meet the medical and functional needs of the individual.

  • Postural and pressure relieving seating, including custom seating
    scope: Assessment, Design, manufacturing and provision of postural support surfaces to reduce the risk of pressure injuries in individuals in a wheelchair and to maximise their functional ability

  • Education and training on REC specific Assistive Technology (AT)
    scope: Education and Training for WA Health and other external bodies on REC specific services

  • Design of Custom-made Assistive Technology
    scope: Design, development and manufacture of custom-made assistive technology where commercially available devices are either unsuitable or unavailable

  • Professional Rehab Engineering Advise
    scope: Advise on Australian Standards Compliance, TGA requirements, conducting failure analysis on AT, Environmental controls and smart home automation et


Eligibility criteria

  1. Inpatients of East Metropolitan Health Service and South Metropolitan Health Service hospitals.
  2. Outpatients whose require complex assistive technology services*, including CAEP, ICWA and NDIS clients.

REC is not a National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) provider but can provide complex services to participants with self or plan managed Assistive Technology funds on a fee for service basis. If you wish to use REC please consult your NDIS Provider.

*REC defines complex assistive technology services as those that cannot be accessed anywhere in WA and/or require REC’s specialised multi-disciplinaryinput in the manufacture, modifications and customisation of components relating to the patient’s mobility and/or postural seating.


How to Refer

For people with access to WA Health ereferrals – refer to the link here.

For RITH and SJOG (Midland - Public) inpatients requesting loan wheelchairs please use the forms below:

For patients who would like to self refer please contact our clinical staff at 6152 7047 or email us at

For everyone else complete the below referral form and email it to


Educational resources

The Rehab Engineering Clinic has a library of resources and information sheets that can be made available upon request. Email

Rehabilitation Engineering Clinic’s management system is ISO 9001 certified.


Last Updated: 24/12/2024