RPBG Service 3 achieves Rainbow Tick Accreditation

Congratulations to the Royal Perth Bentley Group (RPBG) Mental Health Inpatient Services on recently achieving Rainbow Tick Accreditation in recognition of their commitment to delivering safe and inclusive healthcare practice for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Trans, and/or Intersex (LGBTI) community members.
Since February 2016, both Royal Perth and Bentley Hospital have been working toward achieving Rainbow Tick accreditation by improving practices to promote inclusivity of patients, carers and staff who identify as being LGBTI. In September 2018 they were formally assessed across six standards which include:
- organisational capacity
- workforce development
- consumer participation
- a welcoming and accessible organisation
- disclosure and documentation
- culturally safe and acceptable services.
The community we serve has many diverse and unique healthcare needs and it is important we continue to ensure our health services are accessible and inclusive for everyone visiting or seeking treatment, as well as providing a friendly and welcoming place of work for our LGBTI staff.
Congratulations RPBG Service 3 Inpatient Services and thank you for your continued commitment to the EMHS vision of healthy people, amazing care.