The Value of Kindness today and every day

“No kind action ever stops with itself. One kind action leads to another. Good example is followed. A single act of kindness throws out roots in all directions, and the roots spring up and make new trees. The greatest work that kindness does to others is that it makes them kind themselves.”
– Amelia Earhart
At EMHS we demonstrate kindness with our empathy and compassion to those we care for, and in the support we give to our colleagues – helping each other out and taking time to connect and really understand each other.
EMHS’ Prue J, Senior Workforce Strategy Consultant, Learning and Development, shared her thoughts on the significance of kindness in the workplace, especially within healthcare.
“We have wonderfully kind staff,” she said.
“I see small acts of kindness everywhere I go in the organisation from welcoming smiles, staff helping direct lost visitors, to those who take time to mentor their colleagues.
“Since the introduction of our Values in Action Award earlier this year, 32 staff members have been nominated for showing kindness to others.
“It has warmed my heart to hear about their contributions, the impact they have on those they care for and how they make the workplace a great place to be.”
Among the many kind staff across EMHS there are four inspirational leaders who have been nominated for showing kindness to others.
Recognising each other’s contributions regularly is a crucial workplace kindness that can support engagement and motivation.
Grace H
Criona S
EMHS Contract Unit
After leaving work one afternoon, Grace and Criona found a disoriented and distressed elderly man on Wellington Street, who was trying to stop traffic. They took him to the nearby bus stop to shelter from the rain.
Grace and Criona took the time to sit with the elderly man and reassured him he would be OK. Once they were able to figure out where he lived, they accompanied him on the bus to make sure he got home safely. Their incredible act of kindness was recognised by Helen McLeish, Project Director Data and Digital Innovation and Paul Grove, Director, Procurement and Contract Management.
These two amazing EMHS employees were very modest about their nomination, saying it was unexpected and they were humbled by the recognition. They both feel that it is nice to work in an organisation where you are recognised and feel at home, and where your values align.
“The person we helped was someone’s father, grandfather, brother, husband and son,” Grace said.
“When we treat others with kindness, we strengthen our community and make it a safe place for everyone.”
Wendy K
A/Research Governance Coordinator, EMHS Research Hub
Wendy was nominated by Mark W, Research Manager for the many small things she does day-to-day to demonstrate kindness and a genuine concern for people. Wendy remembers colleagues’ birthdays, creates personalised presents and decorations, asks after families, recalls and shows genuine interest in the things that matter to others, and checks in regularly with the team – as well as guests – to see how they are and offer support and a kind word.
When asked about her nomination Wendy said, “it’s nice to feel appreciated, as I try to put forward a friendly face.
“But it is easy to do that here, because everyone is so nice.”
Jodie P
Clinical Nurse Manager, Patient Elective Flow, Armadale Kalamunda Group
Karen M, Waitlist Booking Clerk nominated Jodie for kindness as she always takes the time to check in on the mental wellbeing of her staff and encourages and gives positive feedback.
Jodie expressed that she was very proud to be nominated and explained the practical ways she regularly checks in with her staff.
“It’s about being aware of staff wellbeing, including noticing the environment and changes in mood and behaviour,” Jodie said.
“I’m also available to discuss issues any time, always have an open door, and I ask if people are OK and if they need help.”
Matt V
Clinical Nurse, RPBG
Matt’s nomination came as a surprise to him. Caitlyn G, Staff Development Nurse nominated Matt because he is renowned on Ward 3H for his excellent ability to form therapeutic relationships with staff and consumers. He leads by example and is one of the instrumental reasons why patients on 3H always provide such excellent feedback to consumer engagement. He takes the time to listen to everyone and takes every opportunity he can to mentor and teach others.
About his nomination Matt said, “I am super thankful to be nominated, and surprised!”
“I love my work at RPBG and looking after my patients, and I look forward to many more years.”