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Expression of Interest - Aboriginal Health Community Advisory Groups 19 May 2023 EMHS is calling for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in the community to join the Aboriginal Health Community Advisory Groups (CAG).
Museum celebrates RPH role in HIV research race 17 April 2023 A very special exhibit has opened at the Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) Museum – one that encapsulates the primary role played by the hospital in the discovery of HIV in human tissue. As part of the Boorloo Heritage Festival which ran over the weekend of April 15th, the RPH Museum showcased the transmission electron microscope (TEM), which remains in its original position since it was first commissioned in 1980 at the old hospital building. It was using this microscope that Dr John Armstrong and Mr Robert Horne of the RPH Department of Anatomical Pathology, along with their dedicated team, won the global race to demonstrate the presence of virus particles in patients with HIV infection. Dr Armstrong captured the first image of the virus particles in human tissue, something which ultimately shaped the way AIDS was treated and diagnosed across the world. Dr Armstrong made the landmark di...
Nutritionist puts kids’ menus under the spotlight 21 November 2022 East Metropolitan Health Service Principal Public Health Nutritionist - Community and Population Health, Dr Claire Pulker has played a key role in an Australian-first study focused on evaluating the nutritional content of kids’ menus at Perth restaurants and cafés.
Australian Physiotherapy Association recognises two of our own physiotherapists 18 November 2022 Two of our amazing RPBG Physiotherapy staff were recognised at the Australian Physiotherapy Association (APA) WA Branch annual awards this month. Physiotherapy Head of Department Carol Watson was celebrated for her outstanding contributions to the profession while Senior Physiotherapist Irena Nurkic was acknowledged for her outstanding contribution to Physiotherapy Education. Both Carol and Irena admitted to being surprised at being singled out for the commendations. “I felt humbled and a bit embarrassed, but also quite chuffed,” Carol said. “I work with amazing people at RPBG who always go above and beyond. It’s really easy to lead such a great team, and then to be recognised by my professional body for that work and my contribution to the association is something to be proud of.” Having joined Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) in a part-time role back in 199...
Baby bonus thanks to Lions Club 18 November 2022 The Armadale Kalamunda Group (AKG) recently accepted another generous donation from the Armadale Kelmscott Lions Club, and this week, held a small event to thank the club for its continued support. The club’s latest donation is of two infant manikins and an anatomically correct manikin of a 25-week-old premature baby called ‘Premature Annie’ to the Armadale Hospital Paediatric Department. Hospital staff and AKG Executive came together yesterday to formally accept and inspect the new manikins while discussing the importance of high-quality simulation training with Lions Club members. A/Executive Director Neil Cowan warmly welcomed the Lions Club Armadale Kelmscott visitors, including Club Secretary Sue McFarlane, former Club President Murray Witham and club member Davina Watson. “It’s an absolute pleasure to have you here, to acknowledge and thank you off...
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