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EMHS acknowledges NAIDOC Week 07 July 2022 This week, staff from across our health service acknowledged NAIDOC week – celebrating the achievements of the last year in our continuous journey to close the healthcare gap, improving the way we provide culturally safe, amazing care to our Aboriginal patients and consumers.
Heart of the matter drives partnership 01 July 2022 The EMHS Aboriginal Community Health Team (ACHT) is collaborating with the Heart Foundation to develop a range of resources to educate Aboriginal people about heart health.
Fellowship to further Stephen’s sepsis studies 24 June 2022 Royal Perth Hospital (RPH) specialist emergency doctor Stephen Macdonald has been awarded one of four State Government-funded Fellowships that will enable him to pursue important sepsis research.
EMHS Wool-lar Aboriginal Volunteer Program welcomes two new members 22 June 2022 In a first for EMHS, the Aboriginal Health Strategy team took a further step in ensuring EMHS meets its commitment to closing the healthcare gap for Aboriginal peoples with the launch of the EMHS Wool-lar Aboriginal Volunteer Program Pilot in November 2021.
EMHS Wool-lar Aboriginal Volunteer Program 17 June 2022 The EMHS Aboriginal Volunteer Program has now started, with the delightful “Aunty Gail” spreading her infectious calmness and caring nature across the RPH Dialysis Unit.
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